THE BATMAN The Batman” to be released on March 11, 2022 New Catwoman scene photos unveiled


Last Updated on 12/03/2021 by てんしょく飯


THE BATMAN,” starring Robert Pattinson and directed by Matt Reeves, will be released in Japan on March 11, 2022. In addition, new scene photos have been unveiled.



The film depicts the struggles of young Bruce/Batman.

As revealed in the US trailer, this film has a strong element of suspense. Surrounded by a worldview reminiscent of Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight” series and “The Joker,” the film is a mysterious and emotional story about the struggles of a young Bruce/Batman.


The new Batman will be played by Pattinson, whose performance as Neil in Nolan’s “Tenet” is still fresh in our minds. Director Reeves, known for “Planet of the Apes: The Rising” and “Planet of the Apes: The Great War,” says, “I wanted to portray not the origin of Batman, but the change in young Batman’s mind.

The scene shows Batman looking down on Gotham City, which is dyed red by the setting sun, and Selina Kyle/Catwoman, played by Zoe Kravitz. It’s a visual that makes you wonder what kind of relationship Selina will have with Bruce/Batman.


THE BATMAN opens in theaters on March 11, 2022. The Japanese trailer is scheduled to be released on December 13th.



