‘Game of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke Reveals Much of Brain ‘Still Lost,’ Status After Aneurysm


Last Updated on 07/21/2022 by てんしょく飯


Emilia Clarke, best known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in “GoT,” who experienced a subarachnoid hemorrhage and aneurysm, has revealed her current brain condition.



Emilia Clarke, part of her brain was lost.


Emilia Clarke, known for her roles in the drama “Game of Thrones” and the films “The World’s Most Lonely” and “Han Solo: A Star Wars Story,” suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage in 2011 and experienced emergency surgery. She was also found to have an aneurysm and underwent another surgery in 2013.


At the time, Emilia was in the midst of gaining recognition as an actor with her role as Daenerys Targaryen in “Game of Thrones,” and she was afraid that her schedule would not allow her to undergo surgery and that she would be fired, which made it difficult for her to confess her aneurysm, even to the drama’s production team. She revealed that she could not confess to the drama producers about her aneurysm because she was afraid of being fired.


The fact that titanium was implanted in her head to replace the bone that was removed during the surgery makes it understandable that Emilia experienced her greatest fear of being next to the danger of death. She recently spoke of her good fortune on the British TV program “Sunday Morning,” saying, “I am one of the really, really, really few who will survive (the disease).


She added, “There are so many parts of my brain that I can’t use anymore. (It is amazing that I am able to speak, sometimes clearly, and live a perfectly normal life without repercussions,” she continued.

A good portion of it is still missing! This always makes me laugh. Seizures…I mean, if a part of the brain doesn’t get blood for even one second, it’s lost. Then the blood finds another route, but what is lost is still lost.”


According to Emilia, the part of the brain that is lost will remain lost. Even in her current state of good health, that fact must be frightening, but Emilia spoke cheerfully.


Knowing that she is lucky to have survived, Emilia is passionate about disease awareness and support, launching the charity SameYou in 2019 to help people like herself who are trying to recover from brain injuries and diseases.




