Joseph Quinn, who shot to fame with “Stranger Things,” is interrogated at the airport because they don’t believe he’s an actor! What was the hilarious reaction of the staff when they realized that he was playing Eddie?


Last Updated on 07/27/2022 by てんしょく飯


Joseph Quinn is a British actor who got his big break playing Eddie Manson in the popular Netflix drama “Stranger Things. He came to New York from England to appear on TV, but was apparently stranded at the airport.



The airport staff did not believe Joseph.


Joseph Quinn appeared as a guest on the popular American talk show “The Tonight Show” on July 25. The host, Jimmy Fallon, said, “Welcome to the show. I hear this is your talk show debut?” Joseph replied, “This is my first time. I’m really happy. Actually, I might not have been able to come here. I got stuck at immigration.


Joseph said he was subjected to a second screening, had to wait about 20 minutes, went through a “dungeon-like” area, and was called to a desk where he was told, “What are they doing to you in America? There he was asked, “What are you doing in the U.S.?” He replied, “Actually, I’m here to appear on ‘The Tonight Show,'” but the airport staff did not believe him.

However, another staff member who was there stared at Joseph and recognized him as a cast member of “Stranger Things” and said, “Leave Eddie alone,” and called Joseph “Eddie,” the name of the role.


Then the staff, who did not believe him, noticed, “Are you Eddie Manson?” and asked, “Is Eddie coming back for the next season? He told a hilarious episode.


As soon as this staff member realized that Joseph was Eddie, he let him enter the U.S., saying, “Here’s your passport. Jimmy Fallon said, “It’s Eddie’s power! and the show went wild.



