Prince Harry is speechless at what Queen Elizabeth “said” to him before he proposed to Meghan


Last Updated on 01/23/2023 by てんしょく飯


In his memoir, Prince Harry recounts the time he went to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, for her “permission to marry” before proposing to Meghan.



Queen Elizabeth’s reply when asked for her hand in marriage


In his memoir “Spare,” Prince Harry of the British Royal Family recalls the time he went to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, for “permission to marry” before proposing to Meghan.


Prince Harry was informed by his aide that he first had to ask Queen Elizabeth’s permission before proposing, and although he secretly thought, “I don’t understand why a big man would ask his grandmother for her permission to marry,” he went to see her “when she was in a good mood” to get her approval.

When Prince Harry, who says he was “always nervous” in front of Queen Elizabeth, fearfully said, “I was told I had to ask your permission to propose,” with the fear that he “might become the second Princess Margaret*,” he received a surprising word from the Queen.

*Prince Harry’s wife, Princess Meghan, has a history of divorce, but Queen Elizabeth’s sister, Princess Margaret, could not get the Church of England or the government to recognize her marriage to Peter Townsend, who has a history of divorce.


‘Do you need (my permission)?’


And when Prince Harry, surprised by these words from Queen Elizabeth, told her that he had been told he needed permission, she replied, “Well, I guess I’ll have to say ‘yes.


This implied statement was followed by the first “Do we need it?” and then a wordless “Yes. Prince Harry, who was at a loss for words following the first “Is it necessary?” was unsure of Queen Elizabeth’s true meaning and asked, “Did she think she had to say ‘yes’? Did she mean to say ‘yes,’ but really wanted to say ‘no’? He said, “I didn’t understand (the queen’s intention in her statement). Was she being sarcastic? Was she being sarcastic? Or was she playing a little games with words? Was she playing a little word game? I don’t remember my grandmother ever liking to play with words, and it’s very odd timing for a play on words,” he revealed in Spare, saying he was upset.



