EntertainmentDC Superhero in Head-on Collision with Motorcycle, Caused by Motorcycle Veering Out of Lane Jason Momoa, known for his DCEU film series "Aquaman," was involved in a head-on collision with a motorcycle while drivi... 2022.07.25Entertainment
EntertainmentWhat the hell is going on? Zac and Vanessa Continue to Visit “High School Musical” Alma Mater Zac Efron reported that he visited East High School, the setting of the Disney Channel TV movie series "High School Musi... 2022.07.25Entertainment
EntertainmentBen Affleck, super tired from wedding and honeymoon? Sleeping with his mouth open during the cruise Ben Affleck, who just got married to popular singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, was caught by paparazzi dozing off on a ... 2022.07.25Entertainment
EntertainmentCharacter Makes Surprise Appearance in “Thor: Love & Thunder,” Even Screenwriter Was Surprised Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, who wrote the screenplay for the MCU film "Thor: Love & Thunder," revealed that she did not kn... 2022.07.25Entertainment
BeautyFlorence Pugh of “Midsummer” responds to criticism of her nipple-transparent fashion by saying she has “small breasts”! Insisting on the nonsense of commenting on women’s body shapes… “I want to say, ‘Shut the fuck up.'” Actress Florence Pugh (26), known for her roles in films such as "Midsummer" and "Black Widow," wore a nipple-transparen... 2022.07.25Beauty
EntertainmentConan Gray, the “Pop Prince of Generation Z,” held his first event in Japan! He powerfully performed 5 hit songs including “Heather”! Hiroshima’s “Grandma” will also be at the event! American singer Conan Gray, the pop prince of Generation Z, made his first promotional visit to Japan and held the "Japa... 2022.07.25Entertainment