Queen Elizabeth Reveals What She Really Thought of Princess Meghan


Last Updated on 12/01/2022 by てんしょく飯


In a book of royal revelations, Queen Elizabeth reveals what she really thought of Princess Meghan, wife of her grandson, Prince Harry.



What did Queen Elizabeth really think of Meghan?

In her new book, “Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait,” former politician and royal biographer Giles Brandreth reveals what Queen Elizabeth, who passed away in September of this year, really thought of Meghan, wife of her grandson, Prince Harry.


According to the author, Brandreth, Queen Elizabeth was fond of Meghan, and before she joined the royal family, she told her, “You can continue to be an actress if you like. She did everything she could to welcome her future granddaughter-in-law.


Queen Elizabeth was not too concerned about the interview between Meghan and Oprah Winfrey, which was criticized as a “revealing interview,” and when her son Prince Andrew complained to the Queen, she told him that he had been married to Sarah Ferguson, the Prince’s ex-wife. Citing Sarah Ferguson’s post-divorce interview with Oprah, he said, “Sarah would have done something similar.


Brandreth claims that Queen Elizabeth was always more concerned about the happiness of her beloved grandson, Prince Harry, and whether he would find his place and purpose in his new life.


However, Queen Elizabeth had only one concern. According to Brandreth, Queen Elizabeth felt that Prince Harry was “too much in love” with Meghan, and once told a friend that she “might be a little too much in love” with him shortly after their marriage. He said, “At least as far as I know, the Queen never said another word about the Duchess of Sussex (Meghan) after that.





