[Stunned] “Naked with just a sponge” shock… American actress Eva Mendes’ self-proclaimed “neat and tidy look” stuns the Internet.


Last Updated on 08/06/2023 by てんしょく飯


<Hollywood actress Eva Mendes shows off her “naked and just a sponge” look. What is the sponge? > “What is that sponge?



Wearing this outfit to the Oscars? The Met Gala? Is this what neat and tidy fashion looks like?




Eva Mendes(@evamendes)がシェアした投稿

Eva Mendes, a talented actress known for her roles in films such as “2 Fast 2 Furious,” “Ghost Rider,” and “Lost River,” has been dating Canadian actor Ryan Gosling since 2011 and is a mother of two, but she still has her mischievous side. Recently, she posted a photo on social media of herself in what appeared to be “nothing but a sponge,” which attracted fans.


She recently charmed fans by posting a photo on social media in which she appeared to be “naked and just wearing a sponge. The Met Gala? Is this what neat fashion looks like?” Eva wrote in a post on social networking sites. Her shoulders and arms were boldly exposed, and countless sponges covered her chest. Fans were delighted with the photos she posted on social media. In the comments section, people said, “The best sponge,” “You look gorgeous even covered in sponge,” and “You should definitely wear it at the Oscars.




Eva Mendes(@evamendes)がシェアした投稿

The sponge is actually from a brand called Skura Style, of which Eva is a co-owner and brand ambassador. According to the official website, she loves washing dishes. However, she was shocked to learn that “the dirtiest thing in the house is a used kitchen sponge,” and became interested in Skura Style. Co-founders Linda Sawyer and Allison Matz “realized they were ‘sponge soul mates’ the moment they met Eva.


