A festival-goer sexually harassed the beautiful Korean artist DJ SODA by grabbing her arm and putting their hands on her body…


Last Updated on 08/15/2023 by てんしょく飯


“When I approached the fans as usual during the last part of the show, I was sexually harassed by several people who suddenly touched my breasts.



It was such a huge shock to me that I’m still scared and my hands are still shaking…


The incident occurred on the last day of the music festival “MUSIC CIRCUS’23” held in Sennan City, Osaka, from August 11 to 13.


An audience member was “molested.

DJ SODA, who attended the August 13 performance, got off the stage and rushed to the audience near the end of her live performance. Then, some audience members near the front row leaned over the fence and touched her body and grabbed her arms, causing a tussle. DJ SODA, who was the victim of “sexual harassment” as her breasts were touched not only by male audience members but also by female audience members, withdrew her body and left the scene as if to run away.

When we asked about the “scene of the incident” through photos and videos posted on social networking sites, we could indeed see audience members reaching out to her body, placing part of their hands on her breasts and grabbing her arms.


The “scene of the incident” was indeed observed, with an audience member reaching out to touch her body, placing part of his hand on her breast and grabbing her arm. On social networking sites, the excessive behavior of the audience has been condemned as “a disgrace to Japan.”


Some voices were not so forgiving…


On Twitter,


“That’s a sex crime. …… Hurry up and turn yourself in.


As a fellow Japanese, I’m ashamed and sorry, and I feel so sorry for him.


I was thinking, “What a shit, molesting man ……, but then I saw a woman rubbing her breasts as well.


The barbaric behavior of the out-of-control spectators was criticized by some. However, there were also some voices that were not so forgiving.


Some have commented on DJ SODA, saying that it was wrong for her to approach the audience in revealing clothes, as if she was responsible for the damage. Needless to say, the audience was at fault in this case, and the artist’s clothing and “molestation” should never be linked. I think it is a big problem in our society that such a perception that “light clothing means it is OK to be touched” is so prevalent.


On August 14, DJ SODA wrote on Twitter: “No matter what I wear, sexual harassment and sexual assault against me cannot be justified,” “I do not wear revealing clothes because I want people to touch me,” and “Is it wrong to wear revealing clothes to a water festival? I am free to wear what I want to wear. The replies to the post were met with support.


The “molestation” incident at a music festival in Japan. No matter what the reason, any act that puts artists in harm’s way should be condemned.



