This bond will last a lifetime! Joe Keery as Steve reveals that he and Joseph Quinn as Eddie in “Stranger Things” hit it off


Last Updated on 08/19/2022 by てんしょく飯


Actor Joe Keery, best known for his role as Steve in the popular Netflix drama “Stranger Things: The Unknown World,” has revealed his tight bond with Joseph Quinn, who played Eddie in season 4 of the series.



Actor and singer Joe became close friends with Joseph during the filming of season 4, when the new coronavirus was raging.

‘We obviously spent a lot of time together during filming. And especially since most of it was during the pandemic, so this bond will last a lifetime, that’s for sure.


Meanwhile, Joseph, who played the role of Eddie, the leader of the “Hellfire Club,” a board game club and a heavy metal enthusiast, a unique character that won him many fans, also mentioned Joe before. He thanked him for his support.


He said that when Joseph felt uncomfortable using an American accent in the film despite being from the U.K., he was told kindly, “He said, ‘Hey, I can’t save you, but I promise you it’s going to be okay.


However, Joseph’s Eddie died at the end of Season 4, despite his own efforts to distract the demobats in the underworld by acting as a decoy. Joe is feeling sad that he can no longer be with Joseph, with whom he hit it off, on set.


I don’t remember how I reacted (to Eddie’s death),” he said. I was disappointed, but I enjoyed spending time with Joseph, and he was good to have around.”



