Keanu Reeves was invited to a civilian’s wedding and “unexpectedly attended” it.


Last Updated on 09/05/2022 by てんしょく飯


Keanu Reeves, an actor famous for being a “good guy,” was invited to a wedding by a couple of ordinary people, and the fact that he attended the wedding has become a topic of conversation.



A couple invited Keanu Reeves to a wedding on the spur of the moment, and he really came!


Keanu Reeves is an actor known for his kindness to everyone, and his “good guy episodes” are endless. A story about a couple who invited Keanu, who represents such a good person, to their wedding on the spur of the moment has created quite a sensation.

The couple who had this once-in-a-lifetime experience was James and Nikki Roadknight, who were married last weekend in Northamptonshire, England. It all started when Keanu happened to be staying at Fawsley Hall, the hotel where the ceremony was held. According to Nesweek, when James saw Keanu at the hotel bar, he told Keanu that they had just gotten married and lightly invited him to come to the ceremony and have a drink. Keanu replied, “Well, I’ll see you later.


Nicky told Newsweek that Keanu was “very friendly,” and she was happy enough that her husband had talked to Keanu, but an hour later, she was even happier.


The hotel staff told them, “There is a special guest outside who would like to talk to you,” and when they went outside, Keanu was there…! The couple was so excited that they had not expected Keanu to actually show up.

He greeted them, introduced himself, and offered them drinks. He was very kind and friendly and congratulated us on our marriage.


He was also willing to take commemorative photos, and Keanu was a godsend, talking not only to the couple but also to several guests at the ceremony and taking photos with them as well. Nicky posted a photo of her and Keanu on Twitter with the comment, “We had the best weekend,” and it goes without saying that Keanu made it an unforgettable weekend and wedding for the couple.



