Twitter to Delete 1.5 Billion “Dormant Accounts” Musk Announces Policy


Last Updated on 12/10/2022 by てんしょく飯


Twitter CEO Musk announced that the company intends to delete as many as 1.5 billion “dormant accounts” that have not been used for an extended period of time.



1.5 billion account names to be released.

On December 9, CEO Musk announced on his Twitter page, “I’m releasing 1.5 billion account names. This means deleting accounts that have not tweeted or logged in for years.


Twitter had previously stated that accounts that have not been used for a long period of time may be deleted, but the criteria for this was not made public.


When a new user sets up an account name, it may duplicate a name already registered, but deleting dormant accounts means that 1.5 billion “names” will be available.



