Prince Harry Reveals “The Content” of Catherine’s Emails to Meghan


Last Updated on 01/10/2023 by てんしょく飯


In his memoir, “Spare,” Prince Harry mentions the disagreement between his wife, Meghan, and his sister-in-law, Catherine, and reveals the contents of an email that Catherine sent to Meghan.



Prince Harry mentions the “quarrel” between Meghan and Catherine.


In his memoir, “Spare,” Prince Harry referred to the rift between his wife, Princess Meghan, and his brother, Prince William’s wife, Princess Catherine.


The ruckus dates back to a few weeks before Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding in 2018. It all started when Meghan and Catherine had a row over the dress of Princess Charlotte, the eldest daughter of Prince and Princess William, who was the flower girl at her own wedding.

According to Prince Harry, Catherine sent an e-mail to Meghan about the dress, saying, “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, and too tight,” and “She cried when she tried it on at home. I told you that the tailors have been waiting for you since 8:00 AM. We are here at Kensington Palace. So can I take Charlotte to be fixed like the other mothers?” She replied.


However, when Catherine insisted on having all her dresses redone rather than agreeing to alterations, Meghan asked for understanding, telling Catherine that in addition to preparing for the wedding, she was also occupied with her own problems with her father, Thomas Markle, but Catherine replied, “I’m well aware of that, but I’m not sure I’m ready for that. Prince Harry wrote that Catherine was like, “I understand that, but what about the dress when the wedding is only four days away?


Prince Harry says that Catherine had other complaints about the wedding besides the dress, and Meghan complained that she must have had “baby brain.


Baby brain” is a term used to describe “symptoms reported by many women during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, such as memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and fogginess” (according to the Mayo Clinic website). At the time, Catherine had just given birth to her second son, Prince Louis. When Meghan’s comment reached Catherine’s ears, it created a new firestorm.

The month after their wedding, Prince Harry and his wife had tea with Prince William and his wife to make up, where Catherine told Meghan, “I heard you were talking about my hormones. Meghan explained that she often said such things to her good friends and apologized, but Prince William heard her say, “That’s rude, Meghan. It’s not something that happens in England,” Prince William said angrily.


Incidentally, although the details were not this detailed, Meghan herself talked about the disagreement on a talk show with Oprah Winfrey broadcast in the United States in 2020, and revealed that she received a letter of apology and a bouquet of flowers from Catherine afterwards.



