8 Miles” is being revived as a TV series by Eminem’s “apprentice”! Behind the Scenes of the Movie Revealed


Last Updated on 01/11/2023 by てんしょく飯


Eminem’s semi-autobiographical film “8 Mile,” set in Detroit, will be made into a TV series.



Eminem’s semi-autobiographical film “8 Mile” to become a TV series.


Curtis Hanson directed his semi-autobiographical film “8 Mile,” starring rapper Eminem. The film is about Eminem’s challenge to blacks in a rap battle held across the 8-mile line that divides whites and blacks, and the theme song, “Love Yourself,” was a big hit as well as the film.

After more than 20 years, “8 Mile” is about to be revived as a TV series.


The TV series version of “8 Mile” will be directed by Eminem’s “protégé,” rapper 50 Cent, who got his big break after signing with Eminem’s music label, Shady Records.

During an appearance on Big Boy TV, 50 Cent said, “I’m going to broadcast his ‘8 Mile’ on TV. It’s in the works right now,” he revealed, “It’s going to be big. There’s no failure; it’s a hundred points,” he said, sounding quite confident.


According to 50 Cent, Eminem has graciously agreed to produce a TV series version of “8 Mile. I think it should be made for his legacy. (It is important to me that people understand the story that is being told in “8 Mile,”” said 50 Cent, who revealed that the TV series version of “8 Mile” will tell the story behind the movie version of “8 Mile” and introduce the main character, Jimmy Smith, Jr.


When 50 Cent posted a screenshot of the article about “8 Mile” becoming a TV series on Instagram, he said, “I’m not playing around. I’m a serious guy. It’s going to be crazy,” he commented.




50 Cent(@50cent)がシェアした投稿

No release date has been set as of yet, but will 50 Cent be able to bring “8 Mile” back to life?



