Celebrity encounters on the underground! Popular actress Katie Holmes commutes by train


Last Updated on 04/05/2023 by てんしょく飯


On the last day of performances of the Off-Broadway show The Wanderers, the actresses travelled to the venue by train.



Katie Holmes on the last day of her performance in The Wanderers


Actor Katie Holmes, who is appearing in the Off-Broadway play The Wanderers, was caught travelling by train to the venue on the final day of the show.

The Wanderers is an Off-Broadway play produced by Anna Ziegler, featuring a Jewish couple. The play explores the question of whether happiness is possible across different cultures and backgrounds, and Katie plays a film star who approaches the Jewish couple’s husband.


The play premiered on 26 January 2023, the last day of its two-month run. Katie was waiting for the train on the platform with her handbag and duffel bag slung over her shoulder and her phone in hand. As the train was slow to arrive, a number of people passed right beside and in front of Katie, but zero people noticed. Katie looked relaxed on the way there, using her phone and stretching her hands upwards.

Living in New York, Katie often uses the underground, and her style remained the same even on the special last day of her performance.



