The 1975’s Matty Healy discusses controversial podcast appearance


Last Updated on 05/30/2023 by てんしょく飯


The 1975 frontman Matty Healy has referred to his controversial podcast The Adam Friedland Show, which he appeared on in February this year.



Matty Healy made various incendiary remarks on the podcast, and said of Harry Styles, who had been criticised for ‘queer baiting’, ‘I guess he’s allowed to do that’.

Co-host Nick Mullen said that he wondered if rapper Ice Spice had any Hawaiian, Inuit or Chinese blood in his origins, and mimicked the accents of these countries and regions. Also present in the podcast is a scene in which he imitates a fictional Japanese guard in a concentration camp in Germany and laughs.


In a new interview with The New Yorker, Matty Healy is asked if he was ‘trying to stir things up’ with his fans at the time.


‘A bit,’ he replies. ‘But I don’t really care. I was sitting at night nodding off in front of my computer and my boyfriend came over and said, ‘What’s going on?’ ‘ and he’s not going to say, ‘I’ve got this Matty Healy thing ……’. So it doesn’t happen like that.”


When the interviewer responded that there might be, Matty Healy continued. ‘If there is, then that person is either under an illusion, or, I’m sorry, that person is a liar.’


‘Either they’re lying about being hurt, or they’re mentally ill with being hurt. People say, ‘There’s a bad one over there. If I get as close as I can, they’ll see that I’m better off.’ I also want them to do that. I guess it sets a standard, you know.’


However, Matty Healy also expresses regret over his comments about Ice Spice. He made reference to the incident during the Auckland leg of his ‘At There Very Best’ tour, where Matty Healy took the opportunity to apologise to Ice Spice for not grasping what derives from fame.


‘I feel a bit bad and I apologise if you’re offended,’ he said. Ice Spice. I’m sorry,’ said Matty Healy. ‘It’s not because I’m upset that my joke was misunderstood. I don’t want Ice Spice to think I’m a prick. I love you, Ice Spice. Sorry.”


Matty Healy continues. ‘I don’t want to give the wrong impression that I’m a mean person. I don’t care if people think I’m a prick. I don’t care if people think I’m a crook. But I don’t want to be seen as not decent. Because, to be honest, I like everybody and I want to be doing what I’m doing.”


‘Actually, the problem is that I’m like, ‘Hello, I’m sorry if I’m wrong. I’m a bit embarrassed, but I’m sorry if I’m wrong. I just want to say, ‘Everyone can be wrong’. I did it in public and I had to apologise to Ice Spice. My life has changed. I’m genuinely sorry if I’ve offended her. I love her so much.”


Meanwhile, Noel Gallagher recently referred to Matty Healy’s call for Oasis to ‘grow up’ and reunite.


