Selena Gomez, what a babysitter for singer Jessica Simpson’s 10-year-old daughter! Where did Selena take her and her own sister Gracie…?


Last Updated on 07/17/2022 by てんしょく飯


It seems that Selena Gomez has other talents besides being an actress, singer, and producer.


The singer and actress recently appeared on InstaLive with American Express Business to promote her podcast show “Business Class: Office Hours. In it, she reveals that Selena Gomez took care of her oldest daughter.



She was a wonderful babysitter.

According to Jessica, her 10-year-old eldest daughter Maxwell went to his first concert last week without his parents’ company. She went to a concert (“Sour tour”) of Olivia Rodrigo, a singer who is currently very popular among young people. Accompanying her was Selena Gomez.


Maxwell is good friends with Selena’s sister, Gracie Teefey, and attended the concert with several other friends.


Speaking about the day, Jessica revealed, “I was kind of sad that Maxwell was going to the concert for the first time,” she said, “but Selena went with me. I’m really good friends with Selena’s sister. So Max was able to go to his first concert,” she continued.


Then Jessica showed some parental love, “I thought Max’s first concert would be my video,” she said, “but she’s 10 years old now. You have to see her live,” she said understandingly.


She added, “Olivia Rodrigo, I also want to thank you for your show. And Selena, thank you so much.” She thanked her.


