Guardians of the Galaxy: VOLUME 3


Guardians of the Galaxy: VOLUME 3 – The big surprise of the film’s muscular “Groot” is also very hot! The cast take their choice of Groot seriously in a special clip full of antics.

The Guardians of the Galaxy, the galaxy's most outcast team, saved the world as part of the Avengers in Avengers: Endgam...

The first banned term in MCU history! Why it was used in the latest Guardians of the Galaxy film

The latest MCU film, Guardians of the Galaxy: VOLUME 3, is the first MCU film to use the banned F-word. Why did director...

Guardians of the Galaxy: VOLUME 3 premieres with a bang at Disneyland Paris!

Chris Pratt says: "I want people to come and see it in the cinema! It's a more enjoyable experience that way." The Guard...