Prince Harry mentions that his real father is “the late Princess Diana’s lover”! One of the reasons for this rumor is…” His father, King Charles, said…


Last Updated on 01/11/2023 by てんしょく飯


For many years, there have been rumors that Prince Harry’s father is not King Charles but Major James Hewitt, the former lover of the late Princess Diana.



Prince Harry has responded to the longstanding rumors about his father.

Not only was he the adulterous partner of former Princess Diana, but the fact that both Prince Harry and Major James Hewitt had “red hair” was one of the factors that ignited the rumors.


Prince Harry discusses the truth behind these rumors in his memoir, “Spare.


In the book, Prince Harry says of the rumors, “My father [King Charles] loved to tell stories, and this was one of the best things in his repertoire,” implying that King Charles had made up the rumors. He always ended the story with a philosophical statement: ‘Who knows if I am the real Prince of Wales?


He added, “He was laughing his ass off anyway. He was just laughing his ass off about the rumor that my real father might be Major James Hewitt, my mother’s longtime boyfriend, as if it were a joke. He laughed it off as a frighteningly uninteresting joke,” said Prince Harry. Another, I would say, was ‘sadism.'” He said that King Charles’ “amusement” was the cause of the spread of the rumors.


Prince Harry then revealed the truth: “My mother met Major Hewitt long after I was born,” and outright denied the rumor that Prince Harry’s father was not King Charles.



