Joseph Kosinski reveals that he filmed “something that should not have been filmed” during his visit to a top-secret U.S. Navy base in preparation for the film “Top Gun Maverick” and was “erased” by the U.S. Navy


Last Updated on 01/30/2023 by てんしょく飯


Director Joseph Kosinski revealed that during a visit to a top-secret U.S. Navy base in preparation for the production of “Top Gun Maverick,” he took a photo of something he “shouldn’t have” taken.



The director of “Top Gun Maverick” reveals the story behind the filming.


In an interview with Deadline, Joseph Kosinski, the director of “Top Gun Maverick,” which was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, at the 95th Academy Awards ceremony in March, revealed the story behind the filming.


Top Gun Maverick” is known for its meticulous cooperation with the U.S. Navy, but according to Kosinski, when he visited a top-secret military base, he filmed “things that shouldn’t be filmed” and had his camera confiscated by Navy officials.

‘I’ve had a great love of aviation since I was a little girl. I built model airplanes and complicated radio-controlled airplanes and flew them all over the place. (omission) Supervising allowed me to become a ‘Subject Matter Expert/SME’ (content area expert), in Navy parlance. Thanks to this, I was able to fulfill my dream of joining the Navy, although it was only for a few years. I went to places where civilians could not go and saw things that civilians could not see. They even confiscated my camera. (They erased [my photo data]. I took some pictures, but maybe I took pictures of things I shouldn’t have. My camera was immediately returned with no pictures in it.


Kosinski did not seem to know what was wrong with his camera, but the fact that the data had been erased made it clear that there was something in his camera that should not have been photographed.


For Kosinski, working with the Navy was a dream come true. “I was able to go to China Lake (where the U.S. Navy facility is located) and shoot in a top-secret hangar. That was all part of our quest for authenticity. You can’t believe that the set was designed in Hollywood, but you can feel it when you see it. There is a reality to it. We collaborated with engineers who were actually building the aircraft in secret. It was truly a dream come true,” he said.



