World-Renowned Rapper Tory Lanez Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Shooting His Lover, Popular Diva Meghan Thee Stallion


Last Updated on 08/11/2023 by てんしょく飯


Tory Lanez, then boyfriend and rapper Tory Lanez, has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for the shooting of popular female singer Meghan Thee Stallion. Trey, real name Daystar Peterson, was convicted last December on three counts of assault with a semi-automatic weapon, transporting an unregistered firearm with a bullet in a vehicle, and discharging a firearm with gross negligence in connection with the 2020 shooting of Meghan



This time, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge David Herriford sentenced rapper Trey Lanez to 10 years in prison while the prosecution argued for 13 years.

Before sentencing, Judge Herriford had received more than 70 letters of support for Tory, including one from Iggy Azalea, who said the sentence should “change, not destroy, Tory’s life.”


At the hearing, which began on August 7 and continued through the next day, Tolley’s father, Sunstar Peterson, and Raina Chassagne, who had a 6-year-old son with Tolley, testified, and one pastor revealed that Tolley held daily prayer meetings while in protective custody to relieve tension between prisoners.


Incidentally, Megan was absent from the hearing, and District Attorney Kathy Ta read the victim impact report on Megan’s behalf. She said, “He [Tolley] didn’t just shoot me. He mocked my trauma. First he tried to deny that the shooting ever happened. “First he tried to deny that the shooting happened, then he tried to blame my former best friend for it. He must face all the consequences of his heinous acts and be judged.


Meanwhile, Tory, who denies all charges, said during the hearing that he still cares for Megan and considers her his friend, as reported through a tweet by journalist Megan Cunniff. ‘Tory spoke for a few minutes. He said that he and she (Megan) bonded over the loss of each other’s mothers. He also went on to say this about the shooting. I said some very poor things that I shouldn’t have said. I revealed some secrets that I shouldn’t have.


Tolley has been granted 60 days to appeal the ruling.



