Johnny Depp’s Blue Rimmed Photo Claimed to be “Photoshopped


Last Updated on 05/19/2022 by てんしょく飯


Amber Heard, 36, claims that a photo of her ex-husband Johnny Depp, 58, with blue bruises around his eyes was “Photoshopped.



He was not injured. This was Photoshopped.

Amber, who is being sued for defamation by Johnny over a Washington Post op-ed piece he wrote in 2018 about his experiences as a domestic violence victim, said in court in Fairfax, VA, that she had seen the photo before, which she said was taken on their honeymoon in 2015. He was not injured in it. This was Photoshopped,” she said.


Amber also testified that she was slapped, grabbed by the neck, and pushed against a wall by Johnny during that trip. However, Johnny’s lawyer Camille Vazquez disputed this, pointing out that “this is the only honeymoon photo where someone is injured.


She also claimed that Amber lost her advertising contract with L’Oreal because of an “ongoing smear campaign” and faced a signature campaign demanding that she be dropped from the “Aquaman” movie sequel.


Meanwhile, Amber admitted that actor James Franco, who lives nearby, had visited her home the night before she filed for divorce from Johnny, and that although she had promised to donate half of the $7 million in alimony from Johnny to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), she had not paid the full amount Amber said, “I intend to pay the full amount. Amber explained that she “intends to pay the full amount,” but that this has yet to happen because of a lawsuit seeking $50 million from Johnny.


