There are “people who weren’t supposed to survive” in Stranger Things! Who among the survivors?


Last Updated on 07/11/2022 by てんしょく飯


In “Stranger Things” Season 4, where the death scenes of the characters were shocking, there is someone else who was supposed to lose his life. Who was it?



Characters who were scheduled to die in “Stranger Things” Season 4


After the Corona disaster, a new season of the Netflix drama “Stranger Things” has been released for the first time in three years, and the fourth season has been as well received as or better than the previous ones, raising expectations for the final chapter, Season 5.


In Season 4, the most fearsome enemy Vecna, played by Jamie Campbell Bauer, was introduced, and there were many shocking death scenes. Some fans must have been surprised by the horror movie-like images.


However, initially, another popular character was also scheduled to die in the film. The Duffer Brothers, creators of the series, revealed to Collider.


‘In terms of who would survive and die, I think there was a version where Enzo would die. But ultimately he survived. So that’s the most radical departure between the original idea and what we ended up with.”


What a surprise, Enzo, the guard who became Hopper’s companion and a fan favorite, was not supposed to survive. The characters in the Soviet Union were not Vecna’s targets, so if they were going to die, it would have been something like being eaten by a demogorgon. If that scene actually happened, one can’t help but be reminded of Bob’s death in Season 2.




David Harbour(@dkharbour)がシェアした投稿

The fact that the flow of the drama did not change despite the changes in the script is a credit to the “Stranger Things” production team’s ability to structure the drama. The Duffer brothers say that in terms of production, it is important to decide on the ending first and then work toward it.


One of the first things we talk about when we break up the season is where we want the story to end. The ending is always like a goal post. Even when we are doing the first episode, we know perfectly where we are going. I don’t think we’ve ever derailed from the final finale in the season so far. We’ve always stuck to it. I think it’s going to be the same in season four.”


As they continue to improve their story, they may need to be flexible with the ending, but for the Duffers, it seems that having an ending in mind ahead of time and building toward it is an important way to keep the story cohesive.



