

U.S. FBI “Mandatory Investigation of Trump’s Residence” Shows “Land of Freedom and Democracy” is in Crisis of Collapse

The FBI carried out a forced search of Trump's villa "Mar-a-Lago" in Florida without issuing a subpoena to former Presid...

Malaysian Government Declares Ban on More LGBT Films Following “Thor: Love & Thunder” and “Buzz Lightyear”

The Malaysian government has blocked the theatrical release of Marvel's latest film "Thor: Love & Thunder" because of it...

Trump Suspected of Violating Espionage Laws; ‘Top Secret’ Documents Seized in Raid

In the wake of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's raid on former U.S. President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago mansion in ...

Salman Rushdie, Author of “The Satanic Verses,” Stabbed at NY State Lecture

Salman Rushdie, 75, author of "Midnight's Children" and other books, was attacked by an unknown assailant at noon on Aug...

As a third-generation Koreans living in Japan, I have learned the cruel reality that “Korea = an underdeveloped country” after emigrating from the “developed country of Japan

Since the Moon Jae-in administration, many people in Japan have taken a sudden interest in South Korea. Japan-Korea Rela...

Justin Bieber posts about a female basketball player detained in Russia! Calls for information on social networking sites “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

It seems that the U.S. government is not the only one trying to save a female basketball player detained in Russia. In F...