Prince Harry Urges Members of Royal Family to Apologize to Meghan: “Come clean!


Last Updated on 01/16/2023 by てんしょく飯


Prince Harry gave an interview to the British media to discuss his memoir, Spare.



The prince confessed that he deleted some episodes with his brother Prince William and his father King Charles that he had originally intended to publish.

However, he revealed that “the royal family will never forgive me” for including other episodes. Then, addressing his family, he said, “I am willing to forgive them. I want to talk about it,” he said, demanding an apology from his wife, Meghan. The prince also claimed that his family called him “delusional and paranoid.


The Telegraph, a British media outlet, published an exclusive interview with Prince Harry on January 13, local time. The interview was conducted by Bryony Gordon, a reporter for the media outlet, who traveled to Montecito, California, U.S., before the release of Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare.


The prince’s memoir was leaked in Spain on January 5 of this month and officially launched on January 10. It revealed a series of shocking details, including his sibling feud with his brother Prince William and his parent-child relationship with his father, King Charles.


Prince Harry had appointed Pulitzer Prize-winning author J.R. Moehringer as ghostwriter for the book.


When Prince had a meeting with Moehringer, he revealed a secret story that could not be published in the book: “I shared a lot of stories with JR [Moehringer], and he said, ‘Look, I’m just telling you this for context. There were times when I said, ‘This is just a story for context, and it will never make it into the book,'” he said.


However, the first finished manuscript was about 800 pages long, and the final version was cut in half, to about 400 pages. Looking back on those days, Prince said, “The hardest part was the process of omitting [many episodes]. If we had left it the way it was, it would have been two books.


The prince also revealed that among the episodes he had removed was one about his father and brother.


There were a lot of episodes in there,” he said. There were many episodes in there, especially between me and my brother, and between me and my father. I just didn’t want the world to know about it because I didn’t think they would forgive me.”


But Prince felt it was impossible to tell his story without mentioning his family, “because they play a very important role in the book. And you need to understand the characters and personalities of everyone in the book,” he added.


The book, which was then released, revealed that Prince Harry was physically abused by then-Prince William and that he begged Prince Charles not to “marry” Camilla, then both married to Prince Charles.


On this, Prince Harry said, “People will argue about some of the things I put in the book, but I’ll tell you what, they [the royal family] will never be able to get away with it. In any case, they [the royal family] will never forgive me.


He then addressed this message to his royal family.


But I am willing to forgive you for everything you have done. I wish you could have actually faced me and talked to me. I don’t want you to call me ‘paranoid and paranoid,’ I want you to actually sit down with me and have a proper conversation about this.”


He then turned to his family, “What I really want is an explanation, and an apology to my wife. What I really want is an explanation of responsibility, and an apology to my wife,” he said, demanding that Meghan apologize to him.


The prince added, “You know what you did and why you did it. You know what you did and why you did it, and you’ve been caught flat-footed, so come clean.


It is not clear what incident Prince Harry is demanding an apology from Meghan for.


However, the prince stated that by the content of his memoir, “I’m not trying to bring down the monarchy, I’m trying to save them from it,” he said.


He also said that “if people had listened to me earlier,” and revealed that if he had been listened to when he first expressed his concerns [about the royal family], “the rift with my family would not have been so wide.”




