19-Year-Old eSports Star Dies; Teammates Speak of Sadness


Last Updated on 06/09/2023 by てんしょく飯


Karel Ashenbrener, aka Twisten, a young eSports star, has passed away at the young age of 19.



Karel Ashenbrener aka Twisten passes away at the age of 19


eSports has become increasingly popular in the past few years. The world championships are being held and the number of e-sports players is exploding all over the world.

Twisten, who was from the Czech Republic, was only 19 years old and was a young e-sports star, but he had been battling depression for many years, and in February 2023, he released a statement saying, “I have been dealing with depression for more than two years now.


At that time, he said, “I self-harmed and was in a terrible state for several days and was ready to end it all, but my father helped me. I was admitted for a few days to the “worst” psychiatric hospital where people with serious problems are admitted. After that, I started anew and thankfully was able to get myself back on track. It was the most difficult time for me as a human being and as a professional e-sports athlete. But after that, I found out why I was playing the game and what the team meant to me,” he recalled.


He then tweeted “good night” on June 7, after which Twisten did not update his Twitter feed.

The news of Twisten’s passing was followed by Harry Mepham, a gorilla on the same team: “I woke up this morning to the news that one of my closest friends, someone who was like a brother to me, had taken his own life. Words cannot express the sadness and emptiness I feel right now. I loved him and that will never change. I will close with a quote from a program he loved and something he used to say to me when I was down and out. ‘If you are depressed and feel you are missing something, let your heart burn. Rest in peace, we all love you,'” he tweeted in remembrance.


