Behind the U.S. Screen Actors Guild Strike, Cosmetic Surgeons Are Doing a Booming Business


Last Updated on 07/31/2023 by てんしょく飯


While the United States Screen Actors Guild continues its strike, a cosmetic surgery center in Beverly Hills, California, is booming. The U.S. news site “TMZ” reported the reason for the “It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good” formula on March 30.



The fact that they are on strike allows them to undergo cosmetic surgery without being noticed by others or having to worry about job offers.

According to Dr. Ben Talei of the Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgery Center, who appeared on TMZ’s live program, many actors have rushed to the center because they can undergo plastic surgery without being noticed by others and without worrying about job offers because they are on strike. Dr. Talei said that he is currently “working seven days a week without a break.


He said that all the actors who come to the center are first- and second-tier actors. The reason is that they can afford it. Some of his favorite actors and sports stars are among his clients, and he revealed that he has even treated an actor who is a member of the famous Scientology religion.


According to Dr. Talei, his clients choose to have a “petit facelift” if the strike is likely to be concluded in the short term, and plan a “full makeover” if it is likely to be long term.


TMZ added, “When the strike is over, you will see celebrities rejuvenated thanks to Dr. Talei.


